Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 06:09PM
Jessamee in How To, Mung Beans, food, sprouts

Here's how to grow bean sprouts. This is the simplified version. Don't over-complicate. Don't drown the sprouts. You can do it. Start with mung beans and lentils, they are super easy. 

Enjoy anytime after 1 day. Best at 2-3 days. Can keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
*Cooked, roasted or split seeds, peas and beans WILL NOT GROW*  

How do you eat Bean Sprouts?

Alone: In a bowl with a little soy sauce (or Braggs) and toasted hot sesame oil. Yum.
Alone: Just with your fingers, eat them out of a bag at your desk...Or on your bike.
In or on a salad: Or AS the salad. Add chopped cucumber, tomato, onions, avocado, nuts....cilantro. Its all good. Do this about 50 dift ways. Dress how you like.
Cooked: This kills them, but tastes great. Sprouting makes all beans/legumes easier to digest. Read: no gas. Or less at least. Try cooking sprouted lentils (takes about 3 min) then add cilantro, onion, curry, salt and coconut oil--its fucking awesome.

Article originally appeared on THE PEDDLERS BLOG -- U.S. BIKE TOUR + BEYOND! (
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